Marketing 1on1

The Age of Audio Marketing: Are Brands Ready?

Marketing 1on1

Yes, blogs are still (extremely) crucial in the on-line advertising POV. And so would be the videos. Nevertheless, with the recent rally behind Clubhouse - which prompted a number of the world’s leading social platforms, from Twitter to Facebook, to adopt audio rooms feature - we've officially ushered into the audio era.

This was a lengthy time coming although using the popularity of podcasts already soaring higher more than the past few years. Several top brands foresaw such a significant shift in on-line content consumption, launching their very own podcasts. From McDonald’s and eBay to Microsoft, Johnson & Johnson, and Shopify - they all have their podcast shows, which add to their digital presence some vivid personalities.

2021 is now a tell-tale for marketers to scale their digital marketing 1on1 efforts with higher investment in audio. More people are now open to listening to audio content; it’s more convenient, allowing multi-tasking and hence saving individual’s time.

Be it starting a podcast or audio-engaging with all the target audience in audio rooms on different platforms - brands now need to give their digital presence a dynamic voice that’s more engagement and personality-driven. Those who fail to keep up with this, still committed to static content and old internet advertising 1on1 strategy, are at risk of being left behind in this new decade.

All you need to do is get in touch with a marketing company 1on1 like advertising 1on1, talk to the experts and get your brand marketing and advertising game up and running! So what are you waiting for? Plan and act now!